Saturday 28 September 2013

About Us

Gospel Impact Global Outreach is a Gospel Outreach with the mandate to Unveil to the Globe the packages of salvation (Blessings of the Gospel) {peace, healing, divine health, safety, prosperity, righteousness, deliverance and restoration} embedded in the Gospel of Jesus; making impact through the POWER and TRUTH of the Gospel; Touching and changing lives around the Globe by the Gospel message thereby helping people discover the meaning of their lives. All these are through the proclamation of the Gospel message. "We are into saving, building and sending souls".... Matthew 4:19, Psalm 67:2(TLB)… Unveiling Jesus and His works to the globe (John 14:12)… The pleasure of the Lord is prospering in our hands…Isaiah54:10b

As we win Souls we build them (i.e. Disciple them) and send them out to do the same (i.e. mobilize them for missions and ministry) Matt 4:19, Matt 28:19-20, John 20:21. There is need to clearly communicate the destination of a vision (GIGO) in this respect explaining vividly up-front exactly where the church is headed, meaning where we are going. Our destination is beyond campus, the towns, cities, villages, nation, but to the seven continents of the world. This is our scope, our target, our range of reach and our catchment for realizing this divine mandate. Everyone on earth is looking for something that gives meaning, purpose and direction to life. That is why as a Ministry we have clearly figured out our purpose statement, our destination and direction, thus we have asked and sufficiently answered the following questions;
- Why does the church (GIGO) exist?
- Who and what are we?
- What does God want us to do? (Purpose Statement)
- How are we to do it (The Process)
With these questions and answers we are able to access ourselves to see if we are doing what God intend us to do, how well we are doing it, what's our business, and how is our business.


- Why does the church (GIGO) exist? : There is already thousands of Gospel Ministries all over the world, on campuses, and in the cities. Is GIGO adding up to the long list of Ministries and fellowships already in the world and campuses? NO! We are not adding up to the long list of fellowship on campus and ministries in the world. GIGO is God given, and Holy Ghost inspired idea. We are a VISION committed and driven by FIVE GREAT COMMISION of our Lord Jesus Christ, which he gave before exiting the earth. Four of this great commission is from the first four books of the Gospel Matthew, Mark, Luke and John and the last from the book of Act.
They are; (1) Matt 28:19-20, (2) Mark 16:15, (3) Luke 24:47-49, (4) John 20:21, (5) Act 1:8.
GIGO actually exist to minister (give out) the blessings of the Gospel {packages of salvation} (healing, deliverance, victory and prosperity) to people who are in need of the answers and solution that the Gospel carries. We are Christ Ambassadors (His representative, His Icon, and His Microcosm on earth (Our Cosmos) and our mission is to evangelize the whole world. The reason being that, someday each of us will give account to God regarding how seriously we took the responsibility of the (GREAT COMMISION)
:. Jesus has committed and mandated us in GIGO to go and tell the world the message of salvation.
:. i.e. Preach the Gospel of healing to the sick, deliverance to the oppressed, liberty to the captives, prosperity to the poor, joy to the mourners, hope to the hopeless, and life to the dead and lifeless. Isaiah 61:1-3, Luke 4:17-19. There is so much power and truth (reality) that can change and transform a man's life, locked up in the Gospel message; which God wants us to unravel to the ends of the earth... Thus is told us in GIGO to reach out the Gospel power, answers and reality to every man's world (The Globe).
- Who and what are we? : We are a people driven by purpose and vision and are committed to the great commission. WE ARE A GOSPEL OUTREACH MAKING GLOBAL IMPACT - (OUR SLOGAN).

 - What does God want us to do? (Purpose Statement): What God intends us to do is to unveil the packages of salvation (healing, deliverance, divine health, victory, grace, righteousness, peace, success, and prosperity) to the globe, touching and changing lives, making impact around the globe through the POWER and TRUTH (Reality) of the Gospel message: thereby helping people discover the meaning of their lives... All these ARE THROUGH THE PROCLAIMATION OF THE GOSPEL MESSAGE. Our purpose statement is an aggregate of three statements
(1) VISION STATEMENT                                 (2) MISSION STATEMENT             and        (3) MOTTO {V.S.M.S.M.O}

- How are we to do it (The Process) : Our process which we have adopted for the above purpose statement, which clearly explains how we do it i.e. how we go about the assignment of unveiling the packages of salvation, touching and changing lives and making impact through the power and the truth of the Gospel. Is clearly spelt out with the below flow-chart.
As we win souls through the unveiling of packages of salvation while we proclaim the Gospel message, we bring the souls won into the church (VISION) as members build them to spiritual maturity (Disciple them) train them for ministry and then send them out for missions i.e. mobilize them for mission and ministry. This is why we are a Gospel Outreach, reaching out the Gospel power, answers and truth to the needy. The programs, conferences, crusades, meetings and outreaches we organize are platforms we intentionally organize to realize as well as achieve our purpose statement of unveiling the packages of salvation and the blessings of the Gospel namely; healing, deliverance, success, victory, and prosperity. As we unravel this packages of salvation through the proclamation of the Gospel message lives are changed and touched and subsequently won as members into the vision, it does not end there, these members are brought in, they are built with the truth (i.e. reality) of the Gospel message wherein they are shown and told their status and what they have become, now that Christ has suffered, died was buried, was resurrected and he is now sitting at the right hand with the father in heaven...
These information help the new convert who had been made to know Christ, grow in Christ and start enjoying and living in the blessings of the finished work of Christ on the cross... The built is later trained for ministry (i.e. help to discover his life ministry by serving Christ) after which they are sent out and mobilized for missions (share Christ with others) in unveiling the blessings of the Gospel to others as well as winning them, just as he was won, he himself also goes out to bring the won in as members, build them to spiritual maturity (with the reality of the Gospel message) Train them for ministry and then mobilize them for missions to go and do the same... This is why every member in GIGO is a minister of the Gospel and a missionary... We bear the Gospel power and truth (reality) meaning that we are carriers of the Gospel power and reality for the sole intent and purpose of changing and touching lives.

REASON WHY WE ORGANISE PROGRAMS: We organize programs to achieve our purpose statement. First we build a crowd (gather crowd) from our community through all manner of publicity (i.e. handbills, banners, gospel carnivals, medias, magazines and newspapers etc)... We already know that the crowd that comes for the program through our Holy Ghost Infected Publicities carries the saved and the unsaved, the believers and unbelievers, the churched and the unchurched. These crowd are later lead to Christ, and our target is to turn the crowd which we have lead to Christ into a congregation of believers to the purpose of building them into spiritual maturity as they grow in Christ. To become committed members i.e. (the committed which are later trained for ministry and are subsequently sent out for missions) to also gather crowd, turn the crowd into congregation, congregation into the committed, and committed into core (trained leaders and pastors) who are ardent and dogged missionaries. This is what we refer to as FIVE LEVELS OF COMMITTMENT IN GIGO.

This is the reason why we go by these names:
-          Dispensers of Salvation Packages
-          Commissioners in the ministry of Gospel Solution
-          Gospel Minister
-          Soul Winner to the Core (Dogged Soul Winner to the Core)

In GIGO we have four levels of discipleship development process;

(LEVEL 100 or CLASS 101): known as "Knowing Christ" at this level new convert who have known Christ through our Gospel reach out are made to discover GIGO'S MEMBERSHIP in our membership covenant, at this level we commit them to membership.

(200 LEVEL CLASS) at this level the new convert are already growing in Christ to spiritual maturity, in this class they discover spiritual maturity in our maturity covenant record file, wherein we commit to spiritual maturity.

(300 LEVEL CLASS) "SERVING CHRIST" at this level the spiritually matured members who have gone through growing in Christ in (200 level) are made to serve Christ as a way of helping them discover their life ministry as we commit them to ministry in our ministry covenant record file.

(400 LEVEL CLASS) {FINAL YEAR CLASS} : "SHARING CHRIST" At this level the trained for ministry are made to discover their life missions as we commit them to missions. Graduates of this class are called GIGO MISSIONARIES, who are co-ordinate by the Director of Missions (D.O.M).

In GIGO our discipleship process in our {GIGO'S DISCIPLESHIP DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE (G.D.D.I)} which is also known as our school of ministry)) is not completed until the one we have won and have made to know and learn more about Christ begin to share Christ with others (i.e. committed to missions).

GIGO is a vehicle which every ministry minded fellow, the called and those who have future in ministry can get into to realize their gigantic visions or callings. It's a vehicle that affords you the opportunity and a wider space to manifest your callings and life ministry. No matter how big your vision, callings, and dream from God may be, GIGO offers you the platform for fulfillment. It is a place or ground where callings are made and fulfilled, weather you are called to be an Evangelist, or you have a vision from God to reach out the Gospel to your world, become a Pastor, Teacher, Apostle, or Prophet, GIGO IS THE RIGHT PLACE TO BE, AS YOUR VISION CAN BE FULFILLED IN THE VISION.
We seek to achieve these through our School of Ministries

-          Gospel Impact School of Ministry (GISM)
-          Gospel Impact Word College (GIWC)
-          Gospel Impact Ministerial College (GIMC)
-          Gospel Impact International School of Ministry (GIISM)

-          { Gospel Impact Healing School (GIHS)}
-          Gospel Clinic Autumn Session
-          Gospel Clinic Winter Session

-          Make Impact TV (MITV)
-          Impact Satellite (Impact SAT)
-          Gospel World TV (GWTV)

DHling the Gospel messages to the Nations... Taking the Gospel message to the Globe...
-          Book Publishing
-          -Tapes
-          -CDs DVDs, Magazines, Prints and our various leadership conferences such as;

(1) GIGO'S ADVANCE LEADERSHIP TRAINING (GALT) a monthly leadership conference which comprises the core members, leaders and pastors of the ministry from the various campus chapters, churches across the globe. This conference is held every first Sunday evening of every month. Is a time to instruct, inspire and express appreciation to the people who make GIGO happen. This conference features the following;
(i) Report and testimonies from other chapters.
(ii) Vision casting by the pastor.
(iii) Skill building on how to develop and adopt all kinds of bait to catch all kinds of fishes, because human beings are different and people are of different interests, preferences, backgrounds and personalities. To reach all of these people for Christ, we require a variety of styles of evangelism... The message must stay the same but the methods and style of communicating it will vary greatly.
(iv) Leadership Training.
(v) Prayers
(vi) Commissioning of new Gospel Ministers.

(2) VISION REVIEW CLASS (VRC): Held every twenty-six days attended by every leaders of the ministry. It's a time to review and reappraise the vision.

(3) GIGO MEMBERSHIP EDUCATION PROGRAM (GMEP): Vision/Goal... of the GMEP is to help members develop a lifestyle of evangelism, worship, fellowship, discipleship and ministry... To produce DOERS of the WORD not hearers only. I.e. to transform not merely informed. This program seeks to establish a disciple making, or educational process that encourage people (members in the vision) to act on what they learn and they are heavily rewarded when they do.
(4) WEALTH IGBINOSA'S MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION (WIMA): This is an association of pastors and leaders in GIGO who have committed their life, ambition, plans, substances, possessions and their entire being to the vision and mandate that God has given to P.L Wealth. They have made up their mind to stay, remain and die with the vision irrespective of what happens, they are the pillars and the foundation of the vision. They are a people who know all about the vision, her secret, success and progress and they keep this secret to themselves. Members of this association have become family members to the man of God and they live forever in his heart.


Being a vision born out of the womb of the spirit to pursue the father's heartbeat, and realize His vision of saving all men and helping them to come to the knowledge of the Gospel truth. We live in God's vision of seeking and saving the lost at all cost just like Jesus in (Luke 19:10) who came to the world to seek and save the lost. The vision of the Father and His son Jesus Christ of saving the lost has been committed to GIGO.
This is what life is meant for and the reason why God created man, to join him in saving the lost; this is why we live on earth. God created man for His purpose of seeking and saving the lost, this is what he intended life for. Not to be born, grow and educate yourself to work in firms, companies and factories with the intention of en massing wealth and giving birth to children and start rearing and training them as you were reared and trained.
God wants you to be educated and man major sectors in the world for the purpose of preaching the Gospel. SO YOUR EDUCATION ENHANCE YOUR ABILITY TO DELIVER THE GOSPEL, this is God's reason for education. God wants the whole world to benefit from your COMING i.e. your reason for being born. So many CHRISTAINS with special callings on their lives wants to be in a place where their impact can't be felt, no matter their commitment or fervency, their effort in the ministry makes no difference, because so much work has been done in that ministry and so many leaders has done so much in that ministry, so WHY REMAIN IN A PLACE THAT NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO NOBODY FEELS YOUR IMPACT OR EVEN RECOGNISE YOU? Is like pouring a cup of water into a flowing river or an already filled drum of water, it makes no difference. It is weakness on the part of some Christians who remain in places that has already been built, they don't want to build and they have forgotten that people like them built the places where they are now. So why waste away? Come let’s fulfill our callings with speed. In GIGO you can achieve in a year what you would have achieved 10 or 15 years in other places. GIGO is one of the fastest growing ministries in the world. Fulfill your destiny and purpose in God by been a part of those making global impact by the power of the Gospel. GIGO is a place to be in realizing your life given vision.


Our kind of messages shows the believer (the Christian) IN CHRIST, not in himself… A Christian BECOMES IN CHRIST, what He couldn’t BECOME IN HIMSELF.
We show the Christian Himself IN CHRIST, not HIMSELF IN HIMSELF; He could not become righteous, prosperous, victorious, successful in Himself, but in Christ, He is righteous, rich, prosperous, victorious, successful, all THESE HE COULDN’T BECOME ON HIS OWN; The Christian already has the following;
                                i.            Grace
                              ii.            Faith
                            iii.            Righteousness
                             iv.            Prosperity
                               v.            Success
He should not ask for them anymore, but should grow in them as well as walk in the reality of these BLESSINGS.
The message is simply the message of Christ salvation, all that Christ died for. We have the message of the Gospel (Good news) of all that Christ has done for mankind. It is the Gospel message – the Gospel to a man who is sick is that Jesus has healed you, rise up and be whole – 1 Peter 2:24, The Gospel to the man who is poor is that Jesus HAS MADE YOU RICH, walk in the reality of it – II Cor. 8:9, The Gospel to the man who is oppressed of the devil is that the devil has been whipped by Jesus in hell, become free. Colo. 2:15, Heb. 2:14, I John 5:4, Isaiah 10:27.
It is the message of Christ SALVATION, all that Jesus did for us and what He has done for mankind and our state now that He has done what He did, the message is summarized below; it is the message of the Gospel – the message that the Gospel talks about and reveals.
  1. The Gospel reveals faith (Heb. 11:1-end, Rm. 1:16, Rm. 12.3)
  2. The Gospel reveals prosperity (Zach.1:17, Phil. 4:19, II Cor. 8:9)
  3. It is the Gospel of Righteousness (Rm. 5:17, Rm. 3:21-28, Rm. 1:16)
  4. It is the Gospel of Healing, 3John 1:2, Isaiah 53:5, 1 Pet. 2:24, Rm. 8:31)
  5. It is the Gospel of Victory and Success 1 John 5:4, Jos. 1:8.
  6. It is the Gospel of Evangelism, Reconciliation and Justification II Cor. 5:18-21, Rm. 4:25, Rm. 5:1
  7. The Gospel reveals Grace – Rm. 5:17, 1Tim. 2:1, II Pet. 3:18
  8. The Gospel unveils God’s love for mankind, St. John 3:16, 1 John 4:17, I Cor. 13:1-end, II Cor. 13:14
  9. The Gospel reveals God’s power and gifting (Eph. 4:11-13) Rm. 12:6-8, ICor. 12:1-end, ICor.14:1-end
  10. The Gospel reveals our status now in Christ. II Cor. 5:17, Rm. 5:17
  11. We manifest the DIVIDEND of the Gospel and the life that the Gospel gives, ETERNAL LIFE.
It’s the message about the life the Gospel gives St.John 10:10, Jn. 3:16, 36, John 6:47, I Jon 5:11-13. We cannot talk about salvation and preach the Gospel without these truths or realities above…
The purpose of this manual is for you to know and understand the Kind of message that God has given to us in Gospel Impact Global Outreach, now that you are a MARKETER,A BEARER, A DISPENSER AND A PROPAGATOR and as well as A REPRESENTATIVE OF THIS VISION in your catchments area, your sphere of contact, you are now the message right where you are now because we cannot be in several places at the same time. There is need for you to know vividly what the MESSAGE OF THE VISION is like.


- We believe the Gospel is God's solution to man's problem (Act 1:8, Romans 10:13-14).
- We believe that until the Gospel is preached the power of God to heal the sick, deliver the oppressed, make rich the poor, turn failure to success will not be released ( Romans 1:16, Mark 16:20, Matthew 28:20.)
- We believe in being big and rich to preach the Gospel big. (That is in prosperity) Zachariah 1:17.
- We believe that the Redemptive work of Christ on the cross provides divine healing for the body and salvation for the soul to everyone that believe. (Matthew 8:17, 1 Peter 2:24)
- We believe that receiving the Holy Ghost after the new birth gives divine enablement for Christian service and witness (Acts 1:8, Act 2:4,7,8) .
- We believe in the sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit unto God and for the world. (1 Corinthians 6:11, Ephesians 5:26, Romans 15:16)
- We believe in the final resurrection of both the saved and the lost. The former to Eternal life and the latter to Eternal Judgment (Matthew 19:28, Revelation 20:11-15).
- We are convinced that the Gospel is committed to our trust. (1 Timothy 1:11, 1 Corinthians 4:12).
- We are convinced that the Gospel is the Power of God . (2 Timothy 2:4, Mark 16:17-18, Romans 1:16-17, 1 Timothy 1:15).


Go ye into the entire world" (Globe) and preach (Announce) the Gospel (Good news of Christ's salvation) to every creature. Mark 16:15. The Lord is told us in GIGO to go make Gospel Impact around the globe - reaching out the gospel to the globe... our mandate.
This is why we are a Global Outreach; the Globe is our target; "for i am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God unto salvation (Healing, deliverance, prosperity, victory, success, safety and peace)... Romans 1:16.


Unveiling the packages of salvation (Peace, Healing, Divine health, Prosperity, Righteousness, Deliverance, Safety and Success) the Globe.


Touching and changing lives by the Gospel.


Making Impact through the power and truth of the Gospel.

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